Spring Meeting on HIV Cure 2024

The Dolce, La Hulpe - 24/05/2024 - 25/05/2024

Dear all,

For participants online, if you have not signed the presence list, please send an e-mail to breach.foundation@stpierre-bru.be

Please find below the presentations (click on the title of the presentations).

Day 1 – Friday 24 May 2024

18:30                  Arrival, registration and reception

19:00 – 19:10     Welcome – Introduction
Stéphane De Wit – BREACH Chairman

1: The hurdles to HIV cure
Moderator: Gilles Darcis – CHU Liège

19:10 – 19:35     What does cure mean and why is a cure difficult ?
Linos Vandekerckhove- UZ Gent

19:35 – 20:00     An HIV cure : why, how and for whom ?
Nicolas Dauby – Saint-Pierre University Hospital

2: Patient perspectives and the encouraging stories of cured HIV individuals
Moderator: Peter Messiaen – Jessa Ziekenhuis

 20:00 – 20:20     How to communicate on HIV cure with patients (hope, expectation vs reality)?
Stéphane De Wit – Saint-Pierre University Hospital

20:20 – 20:35     Psychological follow-up of HIV persons participating in a cure trial
Charlotte Vanden Bulcke – UZ Gent

20:35 – 20:50     Patient experience on participating in a cure trial
20:50 – 21:05     Patient testimonial
Adam Castillejo, the London patient

21:05 – 21:10     What’s wrong with women?
Sherihane Bensemmane – Aide Info SIDA

21:10 – 21:25     Debate : Q&A
Linos Vandekerckhove – UZ Gent and Axel Vanderperre – Positive Council

21:15                 Closure
Stéphane De Wit, BREACH Chairman

21:30                 Dinner


Day 2 – Saturday 25 May 2024

3: How can the HIV cure research  serve clinicians?
Moderators: Charlotte Martin – Saint-Pierre University Hospital and Marie-Angélique De Scheerder – UZ Gent

09:00 – 09:30     Immune modulatory therapies towards HIV remission/cure
Sarah Fidler – Imperial College London, UK

09:30 – 09:55     How does HIV cure research contribute to the understanding of resistance to ART
Gilles Darcis – CHU Liège

09:55 – 10:15     Coffee break

10:15 – 10:40     Early treatment and post-treatment HIV control: lessons learned from Visconti
Jozefien De Clercq – UZ Gent

10:40 – 11:05     The interplay between the immune system and the HIV reservoir
Joeri Aerts – VUB

11:05 – 11:30     Should we activate the reservoir or make it more dormant?
Zeger Debyser – KU Leuven

11:30 – 12:05     How to go forward – panel discussion
Eric Florence – UZA and Sabine Allard – UZ Brussel

12:10 – 12:20     Closing remarks (including PLHIV perspective)
Linos Vandekerckhove – UZ Gent and Axel Vanderperre – Positive Council

12:30                  Lunch

Please find also here all the pictures.






With the support of





11th BREACH Symposium - 30/11/2023 Dolce La Hulpe

Dear all,

The 11th BREACH Symposium hold on November 30th, 2023 at the Dolce, La Hulpe.

Click here to see the program, and below for the presentations and for the pictures

Pictures :

Symposium supports by


BREACH Spring 2023 - Aging - April 21-22, 2023

Dear all,

The Spring Meeting on Aging hold on Friday 21 to Saturday 22, 2023 at the Dolce, La Hulpe.

Click here to see the full Program

Presentations are available by clicking on the title :

Aging with HIV: an epidemiological insight in Belgium – Dominique Van Beckhoven, Sciensano
The mechanisms of aging with HIV – Marie-Angélique De Scheerder, UZ Gent
Frailty: Screening and Beyond – Kevin Peterson
Psychosocial aspects of aging in persons living with HIV – Charlotte Vanden Bulcke, UZ Gent
Vaccination against Streptococcus pneumoniae, Influenza, SARS-CoV2 and RSV in aging HIV patients-  Rémy Demeester, CHU Charleroi
Management of the older patient with HIV – From concept to clinical practice –  Giovanni Guaraldi, UH Modena Italy
Optimizing HIV Care in Older People with HIV A Community perspective and Personal experience –  Mario Cascio, EATG
How to go forward? Rémy Demeester, CHU Charleroi and Axel Vanderperre, Positive Council

You can watch the pictures here

Supported by



10th BREACH Symposium 2022

Dolce, La Hulpe - 23/11/2022

Dear all,

The 10th BREACH Symposium hold on November 23rd, 2022 at the Dolce, La Hulpe.

Click here to see the full Program, with topics on Clinical Care (Difficult to reach population, Value Based Healthcare, Chemsex), Monkeypox and HIV, HIV Cure, Quality of Life, HPV etc…

Presentations are available bu clicking on the title :

You can watch the pictures here

Evaluation form to fill in here

Symposium supports by


Best regards,
Prof. Stéphane De Wit


BREACH Foundation
Rue Haute 322, Building 700, Floor 709
BE – 1000 Brussels

BREACH Symposium 2021

Dolce, La Hulpe - 30/11/2021

The 9th BREACH Symposium will be held at the Dolce, La Hulpe on November 30, 2021

BREACH Symposium 2019

Blue Point, Liège 4020 - 22/11/2019

The 8th BREACH Symposium organized by BREACH at the Blue Point in Liège on November 22, 2019

BREACH Symposium 2018

Concertgebouw, Brugge - 30/11/2018

The 7th Symposium organized by BREACH, the Belgian Research on AIDS and HIV Consortium at the Concertgebouw in Bruges on Friday November 30h, 2018.

BREACH Symposium 2017

RSCA, Anderlecht, Brussels, Anderlecht - 24/11/2017

The 6th Symposium organized by BREACH at the RSCA / Congress Center – Saint- Guidon in Anderlecht on Friday November 24h, 2017.

BREACH Symposium 2016

La Géode, Charleroi Expo, Charleroi - 25/11/2016

The 5th Symposium organized by BREACH, at the Geode in Charleroi on Friday November 25th, 2016.