
BREACH, the Belgium Research on AIDS and HIV Consortium, is the result of a collaborative effort of the Belgian HIV Reference Centres (HRC) and
Laboratories (HRL), scientific research groups and interest organisations in the field of HIV infection and AIDS, aiming to maximise, in all transparency, synergies between its members.

BREACH aims to stimulate and facilitate Belgian research of all kinds (clinical trials, epidemiology, public health, basic and translational research, health economics) both at a national and at an international level and to increase its overall visibility.

More in particular, BREACH wants to upgrade the quality of the Belgian HIV cohort which should result in an extensive yearly publication of an in depth analysis of the collected data. Furthermore, BREACH wants to collaborate in and to stimulate the development of a coherent approach of the prevention and treatment of HIV infection and AIDS in Belgium, to act as a representative of its members and to provide the outer world with correct information about this pathology.


  • Doxy post-exposure prophylaxis for STI not endorsed by BREACH

    Click here


  • Management of pregnancy in WLWH: Belgian guidelines

    Click here


  • Next SC meetings 2024

    Future BREACH SC meetings by visioconference 17:00-19:00

    • Wednesday 12/06 + AG

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