
BREACH, the Belgium Research on AIDS and HIV Consortium, is the result of a collaborative effort of the Belgian HIV Reference Centres (HRC) and
Laboratories (HRL), scientific research groups and interest organisations in the field of HIV infection and AIDS, aiming to maximise, in all transparency, synergies between its members.

BREACH aims to stimulate and facilitate Belgian research of all kinds (clinical trials, epidemiology, public health, basic and translational research, health economics) both at a national and at an international level and to increase its overall visibility.

More in particular, BREACH wants to upgrade the quality of the Belgian HIV cohort which should result in an extensive yearly publication of an in depth analysis of the collected data. Furthermore, BREACH wants to collaborate in and to stimulate the development of a coherent approach of the prevention and treatment of HIV infection and AIDS in Belgium, to act as a representative of its members and to provide the outer world with correct information about this pathology.


  • Doxy post-exposure prophylaxis for STI not endorsed by BREACH

    Click here


  • Management of pregnancy in WLWH: Belgian guidelines

    Click here


  • Next SC meetings 2024-2025

    Future BREACH SC meetings by visioconference 17:00-18:00

    • Wednesday 11/12/2024
    • Wednesday 19/03/2025 (+AG)

Next events:

12th BREACH Symposium - 28/11/2024 - Palais des Académies in Brussels

Palais des Académies, 1000 Bruxelles - 28/11/2024
CALL for Best Posters and for Best Publications
During the 12th BREACH Symposium, on November 28th, 2024 at the Palais des Académies in Brussels, beside the plenary sessions a poster exhibition will be set up.
Posters which illustrate current research efforts in Belgium (including projects still active or recruiting) may be submitted.
Posters previously presented in other meetings are also welcomed.
Please send your posters before October 20th to breach.foundation@stpierre-bru.be.
Acceptance will be notified by November 13th.
The best poster on each category (Basic Science / Clinical Science / Public Health) will be briefly presented and will receive a prize (1000 Euros) during the  BREACH Symposium.
It’s now a tradition, we will organize the “Best Belgian papers on HIV” contest (sponsored by ViiV).
Candidates who want to apply for the price need to submit their research work via a full peer reviewed paper to BREACH.
Any professional working within the HIV field and linked to an Health Care Organization / Institution can apply.
We invite you to submit publications which fit with the following criteria:
  • Published between September 16th, 2023 and September 15th, 2024
  • First or last author working in Belgium
  • Full peer reviewed paper
Papers will be grouped in 3 categories (Basic Science, Clinical Science and Public Health).
In each category, the prize has a value of 10 000 euros. The payment will be made to the Health Care Organization / Institution.
The choice will be made by an independent jury appointed by BREACH and based upon the scientific value of the work as well as the quality of the submission document
The 3 winners will have to present their publication (5 minutes each) at the 12th BREACH Symposium
Please send your paper and the completed submission form (link below) before October 20th to breach.foundation@stpierre-bru.be.
Best regards
Cathy Tordeur
BREACH Foundation
Rue Haute 322, Building 700, Floor 709
BE – 1000 Brussels

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