But before leaving, here are some news about the BREACH activities!
Please read it as we need you ;o)
Congratulations to the 3 Winners:
– Zeger Debyser / KU Leuven
The role of HIV nuclear import in integration site selection and the transcriptional state of the integrated provirus.
– Gilles Darcis / ULg
In depth characterization of the HIV-1 replication-competent latent reservoirs
– Linos Vandekerckhove and Sarah Gerlo / UGent :
Unmasking triggers for latency disruption and viremia control after treatment interruption
2/ SPRING meeting feedback:
It has been held fully online on June 3rd, 2021 and it was a success !
– Good and ambitious program developed by the community
– Attendance was large and broad.
3/ SAVE THE DATE of the 9th BREACH Symposium !!!
It will be held on November 30th, 2021 at the Dolce, La Hulpe
4/ CALL to be in the Faculty of the BREACH Symposium :
Ideas on topics, themes and format are more than welcomed taking into account that this will remain a one day meeting and that its main purpose is to update a wide audience (in terms of competences) about recent developments in the HIV field.
Please fill in this form either to be in the Faculty and/or to provide your ideas
NB : All administrative tasks (mailing, registrations, documentations, sponsoring,…) will be in charge of the BREACH secretariat.
Don’t hesitate to forward this e-mail to your colleagues who may be interested to be in the Faculty.
5/ Some news about our recent research activities:
– Recently published articles:
BREACH published its first article of 2021 entitled “Clinical characteristics and outcomes of COVID‐19 in people living with HIV in Belgium:
A multicenter, retrospective cohort” in the Journal of Medical Virology.
(A multicenter study evaluating the outcomes of COVID-19 in PLWH during the first wave in Belgium).
– Ongoing projects:
“A retrospective, observational, multicenter study of dolutegravir-based two-drug regimens for the treatment of HIV in a real-world setting in Belgium”
Estimated study completion date: November 2021
– Upcoming studies:
“A retrospective, observational, multicenter study on the efficacy and tolerability of bictegravir/emtricitabine/
Planned start date: September 2021
– In preparation:
“A characterization of the HIV population in Belgium with limited treatment options”
This projects aims to identify and characterize Belgian PLWH that may be suitable candidates to receive fostemsavir.
“A characterization of women living with HIV in Belgium: a cross-sectional study”
The objective is to describe WLWH in Belgium in order to subsequently address the specific medical needs of this population.
Rue Haute 322, Building 700, Floor 709
BE – 1000 Brussels
About the Author: